
Game Projects

icon of a digital arcade sketch

Bellow are some game projects I created as well as information on them.
I don't have everything up just yet. This site is still under development.
Thank you for stopping by!

Space Shooter

Genre: Arcade | 2D Shooter



Space shooter project used to practice creating a 2D game with the Unity Engine. Go through 5 waves of enemies and defend yourself against the boss ship. Collect powerups and health as you dodge enemy fire and EMP bombs. The demo may need Chrome.

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Space shooter project used to practice creating a 2D game with the Unity Engine. Go through 5 waves of enemies and defend yourself against the boss ship. Collect powerups and health as you dodge enemy fire and EMP bombs. The demo may need Chrome.

This is a course project built with the guidance of GamedevHQ as part of their game career development program. From the beginning we got put through the basics of C# and how to work with the Unity engine. Throughout the rest of the project we were given direction and small hints as to how we could complete the project. The final stretch was to implement a list of features on our own before we can submit and pass. This created a unique opportunity and gave each student a chance to be creative.

This game has sparked many ideas for me so I plan to build a similar game to publish to mobile in the coming year.

    Skills Practiced

  • Prototyping
  • Level Design
  • Player Controls
  • Colliders and Triggers
  • Script Communication
  • Altering assets
  • Creating game state logic
  • Modular design
  • UI setup
  • Animations and logic
  • VFX/Particle Systems
  • Audio Setup
  • Build and Deploy the Application
  • Game Logic
  • Game Play Ballance
  • Simple AI

Sci-fi Room

Genre: Sci-fi



This project was a design project created to learn the basics of designing with the Unity editor. In this project we took it from the standard render pipeline and iterated features as we went through all the pipelines. This was done intentionally to view their strengths and weaknesses.

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This project was a design project created to learn the basics of designing with the Unity editor. In this project we took it from the standard render pipeline and iterated features as we went through all the pipelines. This was done intentionally to view their strengths and weaknesses.

We created a simple scene and completed small progressions to make the overall look better. We worked with outdoor and indoor lighting, global volumes and reflection probes to make the scene pop. We played with particle systems and edited emission channels using a photo editor to add accents to give detail.

To learn more on what was possible with the engine, there was also things like tessellation, layered materials, light cookies as well as subsurface scattering to hone some of the basics.

    Skills Practiced

  • Prototyping
  • Level Design
  • Render Pipelines
  • Lighting
  • Cookies
  • Tesselation
  • Layered Textures
  • Global Volumes
  • Reflection Probes
  • Light Probes
  • VFX/Particle Systems
  • Emission
  • Editing Textures and FBX
  • Skyboxes
  • Subsurface Scattering
  • Texture Clipping

Office Scene

Genre: Mystery



Tasked with designing a den/office scene from almost scratch with what we learned in the sci-fi project. I chose to build out an older styled office. The hardest part about this project and what I have been working on, is lighting.

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Tasked with designing a den/office scene from almost scratch with what we learned in the sci-fi project. I chose to build out an older styled office. The hardest part about this project and what I have been working on, is lighting.

Started out to make a scene based with lighting based off in daylight. But I had issues with environment lighting affecting the shadows indoors. After tinkering with it for a bit, I switched to a darker time of day and adjusted the scene.

Because my hardest learning was lighting, I will work with it more to improve over time. Overall, I am happy with the way it turned out. I even added a screen displaying the trailer for Mario because a friend was inquiring how to do it, and I had to find out for my self.

    Skills Practiced

  • Prototyping
  • Level Design
  • HDRP
  • Lighting
  • Shadows
  • Maintaining Color Accuracy
  • Global Volumes
  • Reflection Probes
  • Light Probes
  • VFX/Particle Systems
  • Static and Dynamic Elements
  • Fog Effects
  • Skyboxes
  • Unity Video Player
  • Texture Clipping